CTL Research

Researching Learning Effectiveness and Student Development in the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Programming

Consent to Participate in Research – Students

November 6, 2024

Purpose of the research: You are being asked to participate in a research project that is being done by Stephanie Sanchez, from the Center for Teaching and Learning. The purpose of this research is to measure the effects that CTL’s services have on student success and development at UNM. You are being asked to join because you have registered for or are planning to attend one of CTL’s student tutoring services, such as the drop-in or a workshop. 

This consent form contains important information about this project and what to expect if you decide to participate. Please consider the information carefully. Feel free to ask questions before making your decision whether or not to participate. Your participation in this research is voluntary.

What you will do in the project: you do not have to take any action. By consenting to be included in this research study, you are not waiving any of your legal rights as a research participant. Your choice to participate will not affect the duration, quality, or accessibility of any CTL services. Your personally identifiable information will be de-identified before any research is conducted on aggregated data.

For example, we may look at student users from a specific class, such as introductory Chemistry, and see how many students used our services in the drop-in lab, our Supplemental Instruction sessions, and whether they used other services as well (such as the writing team). Or, as another example, we might examine overall GPAs in courses that have received instructional designer support, or how GPAs change over time as online courses receive quality reviews.

The findings from this project will provide information on the impact and usage of CTL's teaching and learning services. If published, results will be presented in summary form only, and direct quotes may be used with personally identifiable information removed.

Risks: There are minor risks of stress, emotional distress, inconvenience and possible loss of privacy and confidentiality associated with participating in a research project. 

Benefits: There will be no benefit to you from participating in this research. However, it is hoped that the information gained will help CTL improve its services for future instructors and students.

Confidentiality of your information: Initial data will be stored on our enterprise survey platform and our enterprise tutoring software. From those locations, our data analysis team will generate reports and de-identify any information, then provide that information to other members of the team in order to conduct research. We will take measures to protect the security of the responses. The University of New Mexico Institutional Review Board (IRB) that oversees human research may be permitted to access your records. Your name will not be used in any published reports about this project.

Use of your information for future research: Your information collected for this project will NOT be used or shared for future research, even if we remove identifiable information like your name or date of birth.

Payment: You will not be paid for participating in this project.

Right to withdraw from the research: Your participation in this research is completely voluntary. You have the right to choose not to participate or to withdraw your participation at any time without penalty. If you wish to withdraw, please contact us and we will ensure that your data is not used as part of our research protocol.  This will not affect our standard use of the data for internal quality improvement.

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research, please contact: Stephanie Sanchez, Center for Teaching and Learning (3 rd Floor Zimmerman Library Office #335), 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131. (505) 277-7208. stephs@unm.edu.

If you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant, or about what you should do in case of any research-related harm to you, or if you want to obtain information or offer input, please contact the IRB. The IRB is a group of people from UNM and the community who provide independent oversight of safety and ethical issues related to research involving people:

UNM Office of the IRB, (505) 277-2644, irbmaincampus@unm.edu. IRB Website


You are making a decision whether to participate in this research. Utilizing our services shows that you have read this information and that all questions have been answered to your satisfaction, and you will agree to participate in the above-described research. By continuing, you are not waiving any of your legal rights as a research participant.

Please select a response below to consent or to not consent to being included in CTL research. Selecting an affirmative response indicates that you have read the above consent information, that all questions have been answered to your satisfaction, and you agree to participate in the described research. By continuing, you are not waiving any of your legal rights as a research participant. Your choice to participate will not affect the duration, quality, or accessibility of any CTL services.

Informed Consent 

Researching Learning Effectiveness and Student Development in the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Programming

Consent to Participate in Research – Faculty/Instructors November 6, 2024

Purpose of the research: You are being asked to participate in a research project that is being done by Stephanie Sánchez, from the Center for Teaching and Learning. The purpose of this research is to measure the effects that CTL’s services have on student success and development at UNM. You are being asked to join because you have registered or applied for one of CTL’s professional development opportunities or recognition programs.

This consent form contains important information about this project and what to expect if you decide to participate. Please consider the information carefully. Feel free to ask questions before making your decision whether or not to participate. Your participation in this research is voluntary.

What you will do in the project: you do not have to take any action. By consenting to be included in this research study, you are not waiving any of your legal rights as a research participant. Your choice to participate will not affect the duration, quality, or accessibility of any CTL services. Your personally identifiable information will be de-identified before any research is conducted on aggregated data.

The findings from this project will provide information on the impact and usage of CTL's teaching and learning services. If published, results will be presented in summary form only, and direct quotes may be used with personally identifiable information removed.

Risks: There are minor risks of stress, emotional distress, inconvenience and possible loss of privacy and confidentiality associated with participating in a research project.

Benefits: There will be no benefit to you from participating in this research. However, it is hoped that the information gained will help CTL improve its services for future instructors and students.

Confidentiality of your information: Initial data will be stored on our enterprise survey platform and our enterprise tutoring software. From that location, our data analysis team can conduct analysis of the participation and participant responses in any feedback or submitted reflections. If you mention anything identifiable, they can also de-identify that information as part of the research process. We will take measures to protect the security of the responses. The University of New Mexico Institutional Review Board (IRB) that oversees human research may be permitted to access your records. Your name will not be used in any published reports about this project, but if necessary due to the information from open-response questions, we will create a pseudonym connected to your responses.

Use of your information for future research: Your information collected for this project will NOT be shared with other researchers.

Payment: You will not be paid for participating in this project.

Right to withdraw from the research: Your participation in this research is completely voluntary. You have the right to choose not to participate or to withdraw your participation at any time without penalty. If you wish to withdraw, please contact us and we will ensure that your data is not used as part of our research protocol. This will not affect our standard use of the data for internal quality improvement.

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research, please contact: Stephanie Sánchez, Center for Teaching and Learning (3rd Floor Zimmerman Library Office #335), 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131. (505) 277-7208. stephs@unm.edu.

If you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant, or about what you should do in case of any research-related harm to you, or if you want to obtain information or offer input, please contact the IRB. The IRB is a group of people from UNM and the community who provide independent oversight of safety and ethical issues related to research involving people:

UNM Office of the IRB, (505) 277-2644, irbmaincampus@unm.edu. IRB Website