Graduate Teaching Academy

Graduate Teaching Academy graphic

With the support of Graduate Studies and the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Graduate Teaching Academy offers two programs to enhance graduate teaching and scholarly teaching at UNM.  

  • Graduate Teaching Certificate for all UNM graduate students who are teaching (or planning to teach) college courses. Those who complete this program will receive a non-transcripted certificate in college teaching, which will enhance their CVs and improve their chances of placement as faculty and lecturers at colleges and universities. 
  • The Graduate Teaching Scholars program is available to advanced graduate students who want to gain additional research skills in disciplinary pedagogies. Across disciplines, cutting edge research is taking place in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Grounded in disciplinary epistemologies as well as broadly applicable research skills, the Teaching Scholars program is a year-long commitment involving SOTL study and application. Successful scholars will receive a $1,000 stipend funded by the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Graduate Teaching Certificate 

Acquire knowledge of higher education pedagogy, including teaching techniques, technologies, assessment, and strategies for addressing diverse student groups, and: 

  • Improve their course design and quality
  • Experience pedagogical mentorship and support
  • Enjoy a community of fellow teachers
  • Prepare for careers in college teaching
  • Prove to potential academic employers that they have rigorous pedagogical training

Certificate Requirements 

  1. OILS 583: Graduate Teaching (1 cr). Offered Fall and Spring semesters. Introduces new Teaching and Graduate Assistants to teaching at UNM; reviews various instructional methods, assessment strategies, and pedagogical theories pertinent to teaching in higher education. The course consists of 8 workshops held on Friday afternoons.
  2. ED PY 630 or Departmental Graduate Teaching Practicum: ED PY 630 is a college teaching seminar (3 cr). offered Fall and Spring semesters. If you would like to substitute a departmental graduate teaching practicum, please reach out to teachingsupportctl@unm. with the practicum syllabus and learning outcomes.
  3. Teaching Experience. Participants must submit a letter from their department chair attesting that they have taught a college course or have designed and delivered at least three classroom lectures.
  4. Attendance at no fewer than four CTL teaching workshops. Please make note of the workshop name and semester of completion.

Certificate Application

To apply for the certificate upon completion of the requirements send the following information in one email message to in Graduate Studies. In the subject line of the email insert: Graduate Teaching Academy Certificate. 

  1. Semester of completion of OILS 583 and ED PSYCH 630 with section number.
  2. Scan of signed letter from department chair on UNM letterhead attesting to successful completion of teaching requirement.
  3. Semester of Completion and CTL workshop titles.

Graduate Teaching Scholars Program 

Advance your research skills as an educator through the scholarship of teaching and learning. Accepted applicants to this program will: 

  • Gain a deep understanding of SOTL within their field
  • Apply a SOTL intervention to their teaching
  • Collaborate with a community of scholars
  • Practice scholarly approaches to teaching and reflection
  • Establish a professional scholarly practice that can advance their career.

Teaching Scholars Requirements 

  1. Attend an initial one-day Summer Institute (date TBD) to introduce Scholars to the program and to begin discussion of scholarly teaching. 
  2. Attend monthly Graduate Teaching Scholars sessions.
  3. Complete readings and or work associated with sessions (expect to dedicate approximately 10 hours per month).
  4. Complete at least one consultation with Teaching Scholars Fellow prior to implementing new techniques in the classroom (by the end of Fall semester in which you participate). 
  5. Allow Teaching Scholars Fellow and other Teaching Scholars to observe your teaching and commit to observing at least one fellow Scholar’s teaching.
  6. Produce final reflection detailing the technique(s) implemented and changes that may have occurred as a result (by the end of the Spring semester in which you participate).
  7. A public presentation to UNM campus or other teaching outlets during the Fall semester after you participate in the Teaching Scholars program.