See a topic you like? Request a workshop, check out our weekly walk-in schedule,or email
Develop your Argument
A powerful argument needs to be expressed forcefully while also acknowledging other viewpoints. This workshop examines how to develop a strong argument and craft a solid thesis statement. You’ll walk out with: Strategies for strengthening your paper’s argument.
In-Class Tricks: Academic Reading
Reading for class can be tedious with little results to show for it. Let us show you how to get the most out of your reading with a step-by-step guide for more engaged reading no matter the content or format.
In-Class Tricks: Goal Setting
Setting actionable goals is one of the best ways to ensure a smooth semester. Let us help you set goals that are realistic and attainable and give you a way to map out the steps to get there.
In-Class Tricks: Motivation
Feeling unfocused? Let us share with you some strategies to keep motivated and productive!
In-Class Tricks: Note-Taking
There are many methods for note taking. Let us show you how to take more effective notes depending on your personal style and the course content.
Online Class Pointers: Online Routine Building
When it comes to online classes, it can be difficult to keep track of assignments and build a routine. Let us show you some strategies to keep up with your online courses and manage your time effectively.
Online Class Pointers: Success and Online Community
Building a classroom community and participation in online courses can lead to student success. Let us show you some ways to become engaged in online learning.
Online Class Pointers: Types of Online Classes
There are many modalities of online classes you may come across. This workshop explains the three main types of online classes and what you can expect from them.
Online Class Pointers: Zoom Burn-out
Working and learning from home can mean spending a lot of time on video conferencing applications like Zoom. Let us show you some tips and tricks to help you combat Zoom burn-out!
Organize your Paper
Clean organization is crucial to having a clear paper. This workshop looks at different strategies for developing the structure of your paper, including outlining, reverse outlining, and transitioning between sections. You’ll walk out with: Skills for using structure to increase clarity.
Plan your Writing
Having trouble getting started on your paper? This workshop explores the different ways you can form ideas, both before writing your paper and while revising. You’ll walk out with: Strategies for developing your ideas and getting them down on paper.
Revise your Writing
Let your paper reach its fullest potential by revising and editing your writing. This workshop focuses on strategies for crafting your paragraph and sentence structure to make your writing more powerful. You’ll walk out with: Tools for developing your paper’s structure and style.
Study Hacks: Anti-Cramming
Cramming is not the most effective way to retain information. Let us show you a more effective way to time your studying for maximum retention.
Study Hacks: Information Recall
Recalling information is critical for academic success. Let us show you a great learning strategy for recalling your course content and how to incorporate it into your studying.
Study Hacks: The Test Cycle
Test taking can be stressful. Let us show you tools to use before, during, and after your test to help you feel confident, feel prepared, and help you learn from your mistakes.
Time Management Tips: Master Course Schedule
Have you ever completely forgotten about an assignment or quiz? Let us show you how to create a master schedule for the semester that streamlines all of your assignments, projects, and tests for all your classes into one page.
Time Management Tips: Prioritization
Have an overwhelming and long to-do list? Let us help you determine what to tackle first based on urgency and importance.
Time Management Tips: Schedule Building
Juggling school, work, and life can get overwhelming. Let us show you how to manage your time with a detailed weekly schedule that incorporates positive habits.
Time Management Tips: Study Plan
Have a test or big assignment coming up? Let us help you map out exactly what you need to study, how long you will need, and what you should focus on.