Our Services
CTL tutors are your peers who have been trained in best practices and are all certified through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) International Tutor Training Program Certification. This means that they are trained in strategies to help you reach your individual learning goals, whether they are to improve your understanding of a concept, earn a higher grade, or strengthen a skill.
The Writing and Languages team is here to support your writing and language needs! We offer drop-in writing and language tutoring, individual writing appointments, asynchronous writing support online, writing workshops, and language conversation groups! Additionally, we have tutors who support Linguistics and Classics courses. We also offer resources for instructors to incorporate into their classes to support students who are working on writing projects or learning languages. Click the buttons below to learn more about each type of service we offer.
Please use the Instructor Notification Form to let your instructors know you visited our services. Please, do not wait till the last minute to use our services if visits are required for your class. Visits occurring on the last day of tutoring services may not be included in reports sent to instructors, which are prepared and sent to instructors before the end of the day.