Wednesday, August 14 th, 2024
9 AM TO 3:15 PM

GET SET RESET is held annually the week before the start of the fall semester, and features concurrent sessions focused on actionable strategies that instructors can apply to their teaching in the coming semester/academic year.

  • Note: Live captioning will be provided for all concurrent sessions.
  • [REC] indicates sessions that will be recorded.
  • Download 1-page program

9-10 AM Concurrent Sessions 

Introduction to Canvas: Key Tools to Get You Started [New to UNM Instructors including TAs] [REC]

Presenters: Nick Humphries, Bill Swann, Mitch Marty, Instructional Designers, Center for Teaching & Learning

Description: New to working in Canvas this semester? In this session we'll discuss how to work with Canvas tools and other valuable resources (including a Course Template you can use as a starting point) that can help you build out your course.

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Creating Classroom Community During the First Week of Class: Icebreakers & Beyond [TA Specific][REC]

Presenters: Oona Takano, PhD Candidate; Rachel Seddon, PhD Student; Austin Hendricks, PhD Candidate

Description: We will discuss strategies for encouraging connections to build community in the classroom at the beginning of the semester, including between the students and instructor and among students. We will explore ice breaker activities and messaging to encourage the use of instructor drop-in hours and other resources.

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Using Stories to Teach: Native American Texts in the Writing Classroom [Returning Instructors] [Open to Everyone]

Presenter: Aretha Matt, Associate Professor

Description: Dr. Matt will discuss how and why she uses culturally relevant texts in first-year composition courses at UNM Gallup. She draws from lived experience as a Diné Asdzáán (Navajo woman), from her lived experiences as a Native American student and instructor, and from Native and non-Native scholars in Education, Sociology, Psychology, and American Indian Studies to develop writing courses for Native American students.

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10:15-11:15 AM Concurrent Sessions 

Students as Whole Persons: Supporting Students for Academic and Personal Wellbeing [ New to UNM Instructors including TAs]

Presenter: Aine McCarthy, Director of Women's Resource Center and Jose Villar, College Enrichment & Outreach Programs, Director of Student Services

Description: The focus of this session is to equip instructors with a deeper understanding of common issues related to students’ personal wellbeing and the impacts on their academic success. Presenters in this session will share a wide range of on-campus services and resources that students can access for a more whole learning experience that contributes to personal and academic wellbeing. Among the topics will be practical tips for instructors on how to approach conversations with students to guide them to UNM appropriate resources.

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Dealing with Unexpected Situations in the Classroom: A Workshop for Teaching Assistants [TA Specific]

Presenters: Baset Haridy, PhD Candidate; Onyedikachi J, Okeke, MS Candidate; Naadiyahtu Iddrisu, M.A.

Description: Are you facing challenges like students not completing assigned readings, reluctance to participate in discussions, or poor performance in tests/exams? If these issues resonate with you, join us for a discussion on effective strategies to handle these situations and proactively prevent them. Our session will draw from the personal experiences of both presenters and participants, offering practical insights and solutions.

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Collaborative Discoveries: Deep Dives into Chat GPT-4 and Scite [Returning Instructors] [REC]

Presenters: Michelle Allgood, PhD; Jegason Diviant; Joseph McKee; Amy Jackson, MLS; Megan Hauser; Amanda Holderread Heggen, PhD; Jet Saengngoen

Description: Join our panel discussion to hear from members and facilitators of two communities of practice who have been exploring Chat GPT-4 and Scite. Participants will gain insights from hearing panelists’ stories, challenges, successes, and learn practical tips to use these AI tools in multiple domains.

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UNM General Education: Meeting State Standards and Fostering Student Reflection [Returning Instructors] [GTAs] [Open to Everyone] [REC]

Presenters: Julie Sanchez, Director, Office of Assessment & APR and Elizabeth Kerl, Institutional Researcher, Office of Assessment & APR

Description: This session will familiarize instructors with our university GE assessment process and NMHED standards before the start of the fall term. Examples of GE assignments and best practices in facilitating student attainment of transferrable skillsets will be provided.  Additionally, practical ways to encourage student reflection in general education courses will be discussed. Instructor resources will be shared to aid in GE assignment design and to support early student learning at UNM.

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11:30 AM-12:30 PM Concurrent Sessions 

Thriving Together: Using CTL Resources to Support Students and Instructors [New to UNM Instructors including TAs] [Open to Everyone][REC]

Presenters: Natalie Kubasek, Instructional Designer; Kellen Paine, STEM Student Success Supervisor; Carol Silverman, Videographer; Mary Willms Wohlwend, Project Manager and Instructional Designer; Jennifer Pollard, Training & Development Consultant, Teaching Support

Description: This session will highlight key offerings from the Center for Teaching & Learning including  Digital Learning, Teaching Support, Graduate Support and Student Learning Assistance programs. CTL staff will showcase the wide range of services and resources offered to both students and faculty and engage attendees in discussion of impactful ways to integrate these supports into their courses.

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Nourishing Relationships and Well-being through Learning Communities  [Returning Instructors] [Open to Everyone][REC]

Presenter: Dr. Leola Tsinnajinnie Paquin, Associate Professor

Description: This session will explore practices of well-being through centering relationships in teaching, collegiality, and community. We will consider what well-being means to us in our identities and how we approach teaching. The presentation will include examples from resources and initiatives throughout the university.      

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11:30 AM to 1:30 PM: Graduate Student Special Session in Collaboration with ADVANCE at UNM & the Office of Academic Affairs

Developing Community in Academic Settings

Presenters: Dr. Mikhail Lyubansky, Teaching Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and Steph Posey, Doctoral Student, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Description: While the traditional “banking model” of pedagogy, in which the instructor makes deposits of knowledge into students who receive, file, and store the deposits, continues to have a place in higher education, the easy availability of information and the emergence of generative AI make critical thinking, problem-solving, perspective-taking, and adaptation to different contexts increasingly essential. At the same time, the political polarization and culture wars make classroom dialogue, collaborative learning, and even self-reflection assignments more fraught than ever for both students and instructors. The purpose of this workshop is to examine the potential benefits of dialogue and collaboration in the classroom and the various strategies for building the sense of community that makes such activities possible. Consistent with the philosophy and goals of community building, the workshop will include a variety of interactive exercises.

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1:30 – 2:15 PM: Break  

2:15 to 3:15 PM

Group Reflection: Action Planning Your Next Steps for the Semester [Groups for All Instructors]

This session offers the opportunity for instructors to reflect upon and share in small groups their main takeaways from the Get Set/Reset sessions. As instructors share their plans for implementing or refining teaching and learning approaches, we trust that they will enjoy mutual inspiration and sharpening of ideas.

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Additional Professional Development & Support Opportunities

Open Lab Opportunities on Thursday, August 15 th

Looking for course design support? Join the CTL's virtual drop-in sessions on Thursday, August 15th, from 10-11 AM and 1-2 PM.  Additional sessions will also be available next week and throughout the semester.

View Schedule

ADVANCE and the Office of Academic Affairs Pre-Fall Workshops from August 12 th to 15 th

In the Get Set Reset schedule above, you will have noticed the 11:30 AM Zoom session for graduate students only, on Developing Community in Academic Settings. Please note that ADVANCE and the Office of Academic Affairs are offering additional opportunities (in-person) from August 12 th to 15 th to experience this content and the related topic, When Things Go Wrong: Responding Effectively in the Moment to Classroom Conflict and Stressful Situations.

Full descriptions and the designated sessions/registration information for instructors/staff and graduate students.

For questions about Get Set Reset 2024, email