Carla Passos-Morgan brings over a decade of experience in education, specializing in ESL, adult basic education, and professional development courses. After relocating to the U.S from Brazil, she became part of the University of New Mexico (UNM), where she pursued a graduate degree and served as a Teaching/Graduate Assistant at different departments in the university including the Graduate Resource Center (GRC), the Center for English Language & American Culture (CELAC) and Latin American Programs in Education (LAPE).
With a Master of Arts in Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies from UNM, Carla is interested in curriculum and instruction, particularly focusing on adult education principles and research, and equitable access to education, especially for non-traditional students.
Prior to transitioning into the position of instructional designer, Carla served as a Program Coordinator and instructor at the Adult Education Department at Santa Fe Community College, where she was able to contribute to the department’s goals to enhance educational and professional certification opportunities for diverse learners.
Now, Carla is thrilled to return to UNM, and she looks forward to helping implement inclusive education practices while empowering learners, supporting our faculty, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.